As the majority of the PHS student body is participating in all events relating to homecoming, the journalism students are responsible for covering each and every event. Adviser Brian Heyman said they are “blitzing” the school.
Photographers from Journalism 1, the Pirate Press, and ECHO can be seen covering all events, ranging from the spirit days to float building, the Friday pep assembly to the Saturday parade. Editor-in-chief of the Pirate Press, Joey Schneider, says the Pirate Press has big plans for the next issue of the newspaper.
The next issue of the newspaper will be distributed on Oct. 18, and it will be devoted entirely to homecoming festivities. “All articles will relate to homecoming in some manner. Topics will include spirit week, float building, the parade, and how other minor aspects tie into the week,” Schneider said.
This is the first time the Pirate Press has devoted an entire issue to one event. Schneider said the staff decided to write this issue because “it will be easier to organize stories and submit the paper as a whole for competitions. We also wanted to produce a paper that held student interest across the school.” Students will definitely be interested in this issue of the Pirate Press because it will feature tweets and photos sent in by students throughout the week, also a new technique used by the journalism program.
To get as many students involved as possible, Schneider said, “We’re focusing on interviewing many different people around school that get involved with homecoming festivities.”
For a chance to see your own pictures and tweets featured in the upcoming issue of the Pirate Press and on pattonvilletoday.com, tweet your pictures to @phsTODAY using the hashtag #phsSPIRIT.