Spirit Week has to be one of the best week during the entire school year. With the crazy theme days to the senior vs. junior wars, how could anyone not enjoy all of this energy and excitement?

Senior Maggie Holm said, “Now that I’m a senior, I’m not scared to go crazy because everyone in my grade is as well.”
At any school, Spirit Week gets better each year as you get older. Freshman typically participate a few days, mostly watching everyone else dress up, while the sophomores participate, but don’t care too much about winning. Now, the junior and senior class goes all out with the crazy outfits. They definitely have shown their school spirit this week.
Majority of the school loves Spirit Week, but there are people who don’t particularly enjoy it.
Holm’s advice to those who aren’t sure about participating and don’t exactly want to is “YOLO. Have confidence in yourself and just have fun with Spirit Week.”