The dodgeball tournament has changed dates and is now going to be played on Nov. 22 instead of Nov. 15 because of a scheduling conflict at the school.
Heather Lopez-Johnston, the STUCO sponsor, said, “We had to change the date because they double-booked the gym.”

Students can now get the sign-up form from Lopez-Johnston.
“You can fill out the form, you will also need to have the money when you turn it in, it costs $10 per player.”
Lopez-Johnston said the requirements are “five girls and five boys on a team with a teacher sponsor.”
For students wanting to attend and not participate in the game, it will cost about $2.
Lopez-Johnson said the money goes toward “the shirts, a family in need and a local charity.”
She added, “We may do donations and maybe a silent auction.”
Lopez-Johnston encourages people to come out and support the teams and also the charity.