Honors geometry is hard enough and finals aren’t making it any easier.
Freshman Marissa Etwaroo isn’t too worried about most of her finals; however, the one she is most anxious about is the Honors Geometry final.
Students in Honors Geometry received an 18-page study guide for the entire semester and just looking at the packet gets everyone nervous.
Etwaroo said that she feels prepared for most of her finals and that it shouldn’t be a big deal.
Another freshman, Griffin Stoeckel, said he is worried about finals. He is also in Honors Geometry and feels he isn’t as prepared for the final as he should be.
Griffin is in all honors classes and he believes that although the classes are challenging and it’s good for college, he’s worried about grades.
“Obviously I don’t want to make them go down, they’ll become harder to get up,” Stoeckel said.
Freshman Jordan Bolton said, ”I believe that these types of finals are demeaning and limit the creative ability of all students who are subjects to the harsh stress and expectation levels.”
That’s one way to put it.
Austin Taylor does not like finals because it breaks the everyday routine of school.
“I feel OK about them,” freshman Marissa Dickman said. “As long as you study they aren’t difficult.”
Which means, even though this is the week of finals, start reading and be sure to do those study guides, it’ll take a lot of time, but it’ll be worth it.
No matter what reason you have to not like finals, it seems that no one likes them.
A majority of freshmen aren’t feeling prepared to see their grade after taking these finals, but luckily there’s only a week of school left before a well-deserved two-week long break.