The high school cafeteria has new food options to go along with new lines and a new paint scheme. But during the first few days of school, the new system caused quite a few problems.
During second lunch, the cash line got backed up to the point that many students had to eat in their classrooms after their scheduled lunch time was over. In response, assistant principal Ms. Cara Hiripitiyage emailed English department teachers asking if any of them would be willing to switch lunch periods.
“After the lunches on Wednesday, we were asked by school administration if some of our classes would be willing to switch from second lunch to first or third,” English teacher Dr. Janet Baldwin said.
About half of the English teachers said yes to switching but Baldwin was not one of them.
“I didn’t change because my students didn’t want me to,” Baldwin said. “I asked the kids if they were fine with second lunch, and they answered with an enthusiastic yes.”
The problems arose due to all students not having IDs, as well as the new system that included each student having to manually type in their student number at the registers.
“In my opinion, the best solution would be to have a smaller department from first or third lunch switch with a larger department from second lunch,” Baldwin said.
This is the first year of the new system, and the hopes are that the problems will be solved sooner or later.
“It’s just a part of being a bigger school and making things work,” Baldwin said. “We’ll figure it out.”