Renaissance T-shirts were passed out to students that earned a 3.0+ GPA from the Spring 2015 semester.
In Mr. Heyman’s 1st hour English class, T-shirts were literally passed out.
Charles Shelton IV, normally a wide receiver and corner for the Pattonville football team, got to play quarterback and throw the T-shirts out to students that earned the incentive.
“I got volunteered by Robert Bailey and Caron Coleman but I am pretty confident in my throwing skills,” Shelton said.
Samuel Valladares Marquez Jr. wasn’t afraid when Shelton tossed one of the mint green T-shirts for his grades his way.
“I wasn’t afraid of missing it,” Valladares Jr. said, adding that he had confidence in Shelton’s throwing. “He is a football player.”
Valladares Jr. earned the T-shirt by focusing on school and his classes.
“I just did my work, studied for tests and asked my teachers if I needed any help,” Valladares said.
If students need to exchange their shirt for a different size, they can visit Ms. Moritz (D109) before or after school. They are not allowed to interrupt classes during the school day.