METC keynote speaker and presenter of “Leading Innovative Change,” George Couros came to the conference to teach competitive collaboration during his leadership luncheon.
“One of you in this room is the weakest educator,” Couros said during his lunch speech to about 50 educators. “One of you has to be. But no one wants to be that person, right?”
Couros said that innovation is something that changes over time.
“It’s not just in technology, it’s in all areas.”
Couros showed a video of a kid preparing to ski down a hill during his presentation. After making the choice to push himself off, the boy becomes very proud of his accomplishment. Couros used this video to represent that the job of educators is “helping people see themselves on that hill.”

Through an intense game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Couros also makes his point that there is a best player and all of the people below that player should cheer that person on rather than try to weigh them down.
“First of all, nobody really cares who won at the end, it was just exhilarting, you were pushing each other. It was exciting,” Couros said. “You might be on the outside, but you have to be involved because the culture starts to take over the room.”