The One Acts first showing is tonight, April 18, and runs until Tuesday. Audrey Baird has been preparing nearly every day of the week as the performance has been arriving.
Baird plays Kim and Cleo in the One Act Check Please: Take 2 directed by Ms. Lara Corvera.
“The best part of the show is definitely the funny lines and interactions with other actors on stage,” Baird said.
She said a big part of an amazing performance is the bond that the actors have off stage. In her One Act, she got to meet many other actors who she became closer with as rehearsals went on.
“We built friendships during rehearsals because we goof around so much and really work to encourage each other to do our best even when we make mistakes.”
Baird just recently became involved in theatre but she has loved the idea of acting since she was in elementary school.
“I tried out for One Acts because I love theatre,” Baird said. “Theatre is something that truly makes me happy and I get to work with some pretty amazing people.”
Although she’s been in three productions so far, this production is different for her because she actually has speaking lines.
The theatre group has been preparing for the One Acts since the beginning of March, when auditions took place. However, just like in most productions, there was something that the actress struggled with.
“I really had a hard time playing an eccentric, kooky character because I have to be really ‘out there’ and I’m not usually so outgoing,” Baird said. “Also I have to touch Jacob’s foot and I do not like feet.”
With all this preparation for the show, Baird still feels pretty nervous.
“But I’m also really excited since we’ve worked so hard in rehearsals.”
See Audrey Baird and many other Pattonville actors in the One Acts on Monday, April 18, and Tuesday, April 19, starting at 7 p.m. in Room A213. Tickets are $4 and can be purchased at the door.