When you think of a beauty pageant, you usually think about ladies competing against one another for a tiara, or maybe you even think of Steve Harvey. On Friday, Feb. 24, there will be 17 guys on the Pattonville auditorium stage competing in the annual male pageant called Mr. PHS which features three parts: fashion, talent and on-stage questions.
The show starts at 7 p.m. and tickets are being sold for $5 at all lunches and will also be available at the door.
- Mr. ATSA Evan McFarland
- Mr. Baseball Max Spitzmiller
- Mr. BSAAC Yohanes Mulat
- Mr. Choir Jack McFarling
- Mr. Cross Country Micah Thompkins
- Mr. English Honor Society Nathan McClain
- Mr. Golf Micah Giancola
- Mr. HOSA Luke Jacobi
- Mr. National Art Honor Society Patrick Tramble
- Mr. PALS Charles Shelton
- Mr. PHS Spirit Devon Linhardt
- Mr. Pirate TV Phillip Westmoreland
- Mr. Speech and Debate Ethan Hughes
- Mr. STUCO Jacob Reese
- Mr. Swimming Xan Adams
- Mr. Thespians EJ Bush
- Mr. Water Polo Daniel LaFollette
- The competition will be hosted by senior Erykah White and junior William Pirrie
This will be the second year seniors Max Spitzmiller and Jacob Reese will be competing.
“I am really excited to see everybody’s talents,” Spitzmiller said. “It’s pretty intense stuff. Everybody really has a lot to bring to the table but I am going to give it my best shot and have fun.”
Last year for the talent portion, Spitzmiller and Reese performed a dance together. Since it is their second time participating in Mr. PHS, they both said that they are not intimidated by the competition.
“These are some of Pattonville’s best men getting together to showcase why they deserve to be named Mr. PHS,” Spitzmiller said. “The competition will be fierce, but that’s what makes it fun.”
Both of the boys feel like since they have experienced how Mr. PHS works, they won’t be as nervous this time around.
“What the competition last year taught me is that confidence is key,” Reese said. “I am confident that crown will be mine and I can’t wait to wear it.”
During the fashion portion of the show, the contestants are escorted by a person of their choice. Spitzmiller will be escorted by Mackenzie Baniak, and Reese will be escorted by Rene Greenwell.
Among the 17 contestants, there are 11 contestants that did not compete last year. One of those 11 contestants is junior Charles Shelton who will be representing PALS. He will be escorted by juniors Nadia Maddex and Peyton Pfeiffer.
“It is my first year, but I am not really nervous about the competition part,” Shelton said. “I am excited most about performing my talent. If I am nervous about anything, it is that. I hope it turns out the way I want it to.”
Who will win? Come to the show on Feb. 24 and see the boys battle it out or follow PattonvilleTODAY on Facebook to see a live stream of the show.