The PHS Thespians will be holding a ProShred event on April 15 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. to fundraise in order to send group members to the international thespian festival. This is the second fundraiser the troupe has held hoping to get enough money to be able to send the students to the festival.
Bring anything you need shredded (your paper, CDs/DVDs, hard drives) and ProShred will safely destroy them.
The recommended donation is $5 per box and proceeds will benefit Thespian national qualifiers attendance at the International Thespian Festival.
“People should definitely come out because it’s a super simple process and they don’t have to do much except bring a box of paper and a donation,” junior Haley Reynolds said. “The Proshred event is super important to me because we need all the support we can get in order to pay for International Thespian Festival. We’re raising money so it’s really important that we do as many fundraisers as we can.”
Reynolds and Samantha Steinmeyer both had qualifying scores to go to International Thespian Festival during the summer after performing their duet event at the Missouri Thespian Festival. They performed a piece from “Five Women Wearing The Same Dress” and received a superior rating and because of this they were invited to attend the conference June 19-24 in Lincoln Nebraska. The price is about $740 per person and at the Conference they get the chance to showcase their piece one more time and attend workshops with other thespians.
“People should attend the event because it is going to help two girls go explore their passion more in depth,” senior Samantha Steinmeyer said. “Not only that, but it’s going help us bring back new skills and techniques to share with the Pattonville theater department and help the program grow.”