As class elections roll around, one group of freshmen girls (hoping to become sophomore class officers) display several flyers and advertisements all over the school. These girls call themselves MARJ because it’s all of their initials (Moheni, Allison, Rachel, and Jessica.)
Title Running for: President
Activities Involved in: Varisty cheerleading, STUCO representative, Key Club.
Running Against: Mark Raymond and Kathy Ensor
Plans to Change: “Making events fun to motivate everyone to participate. and having everyone help with the homecoming float so we can all get to know each other better.”
Why I’m Running: “I’m really organized and I feel like right now our President, Mark, is kind of unknown to people. I feel like I could be more known. I’d even say hi to everyone in the hallways.”
Title Running for: Vice President
Activities Involved in: Tennis, STUCO
Running Against: Maggie Decker
Plans to Change: “I would help change the environment. Mostly the cafeterias and stuff, where people complain about not having enough food.”
Why I’m Running: “We just wanted to get involved in school because freshmen year was just for getting started, and we want to use sophomore year to get more involved with the school with clubs such as STUCO or BSAAC.”
Title Running for: Secretary
Activities Involved in: Volleyball, Swim Team.
Running Against: Unopposed
Plans to Change: “Get people to want to be more involved in Spirit Week.”
Why I’m Running: “I felt like we didn’t get involved at all and no one knew what they were doing.”
Title Running for: Treasurer
Activities Involved in: Swim, Volleyball, used to do Soccer.
Running Against: Maggie Vitale
Plans to Change: “The spirit of our freshmen because it’s not what it should be.”
Why I’m Running: “I want to make everything better.”