The Pattonville senior class hosted an early morning tailgate on May 12 in the school parking lot in order to spend some time together as a class before graduation on May 25.
“Although we somewhat threw it together last minute, we wanted to host a quick event as a way to bring our class together as the year comes to a close,” senior Isabelle Garcia-Blackwell said. “We talked about it in the senior group message and we decided Friday was the best morning to do it.”
Seniors brought a number of games to play, including cup pong, washers, and spike ball.
“We all brought some games to play, and most people brought some breakfast to eat,” Garcia-Blackwell said.
The seniors decided they could turn the tailgate into a small prank, blocking off the back staff parking lot in order to force the teachers to park elsewhere.
“A few of the teachers got mad that we blocked off the lot, but most of them and the principals thought it was funny,” Garcia-Blackwell said.
The tailgate was mostly meant to be a way for the seniors to get together as they prepare for their last day of school and their graduation.
“We are almost done as high schoolers and it is bittersweet,” Garcia said. “We have a few more things planned for the end of the year, but this was just one of them.”