High school welcomes new students that attend Pattonville for first time
September 8, 2017

More than 100 new students were invited to the Pirate Code New Student Brunch held on Sept. 7 in the Commons during Homeroom.
High school counselor Ms. Anetra Johnson likes this event because it helps students transition to a new school.
“As a counselor, I see students that are new to the school all the time and I realize that sometimes students struggle with making connections.”
That’s one reason why this event was created in order to help new students find necessary resources in order to be successful at Pattonville.
“The Pirate Code leadership team started the new student group about five years ago and it’s simply our way of officially welcoming new students to Pattonville High School,” Johnson said. “It’s our way of letting them know we’re here.”
The event has received a lot of praise in the past.
“The first year that we did the new student group, we got a lot of positive feedback,” she said. “The goal of the new student group is to help students become better acclimated and making connections as far as lunch buddies.”
The brunch is not the only time the new students will meet. The new students will meet twice each semester during contact time.