Final exams begin Dec. 15

Final exams begin Dec. 15

Courtney Keirle

With finals coming up in about a week, many students are beginning to panic: “Do I have a high enough grade to pass?” “Have I studied enough for the final?” “What is on the final?”

Most students have seven finals each semester, and beginning Dec. 15, students will be taking their first semester finals for the 2017-2018 school year.

The finals schedule will be:

  • Friday, Dec. 15 – 2nd Hour
  • Monday, Dec. 18 – 1st and 3rd Hour (10:30 dismissal)
  • Tuesday, Dec. 19 – 4th and 5th Hour (10:30 dismissal)
  • Wednesday, Dec. 20 – 6th and 7th Hour (10:30 dismissal)

Students are preparing for the tests in different ways and share their thoughts about final exams:

Asher Guttman (12) “Finals suck. Finals aren’t even final. They should be called Almost Done-als.”

Chad Wallace (11) “Finals are the only time I stay after and study.”

Allie Wood (12) “Studying for finals is one of the most important things to do in your high school life.”

Chandler Mann (11) “I like having them because we get out at 10:30.”

Jacob Dorsen (12) “No matter how hard or difficult it may seem, just push through it, and if you don’t know, guess. As Jimmy Fallon once said, ‘You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.'”

Daniel Shor (11) “Keep calm and make it to Christmas break.”

Olivia Pursley (12) “When approaching finals week, it’s important to eat well, sleep a lot, and study for subjects that you don’t know as well. Time management is everything.”