TGIF: Final exams start this Friday

December 11, 2017
There aren’t many students looking forward to this Friday. That’s because it’s the day that their first semester finals start.
On Friday, Dec. 15, students will take their 2nd hour final. Tests for other classes will be taken next week.
- Monday, Dec. 18: 1st and 3rd hour (10:30 dismissal)
- Tuesday, Dec. 19: 4th and 5th hour (10:30 dismissal)
- Wednesday, Dec. 20: 6th and 7th hour (10:30 dismissal)
Students will have early dismissal every day next week at 10:30 a.m. That schedule is set up to allow students to go home and study for their next finals on the following day.
Kyle Campbell loves the modified schedule with an early release, but realizes he has to work hard for it.
“I love the 10:30 a.m. dismissal times but the studying day-in and day-out the week before it is rough,” he said. “But honestly, it’s not that bad.”
Allan Gomez said it can be difficult and time-consuming to study for finals.
“But it’s worth it when you get good grades afterward and when you can hang with the boys.”
He’ll get the time to spend with his friends when Pattonville goes on Winter Break beginning after finals on Dec. 20. Students will not return to school until Jan. 3 when they come back to school for the start of their second semester classes of the school year.