Student Council plans Spirit Week for Mr. PHS
February 22, 2018

Everyone knows about and participates in the Spirit Week that is planned during homecoming and where everyone dresses up in the appropriate outfit for that day. Because of that, Student Council decided to plan another; this time for Mr. PHS.
- Monday, Feb. 19 – No School (President’s Day)
- Tuesday, Feb. 20 – Meme Day
- Wednesday, Feb. 21 – Twin Day
- Thursday, Feb. 22 – Blast from the Past Day
- Friday, Feb. 23 – Student/Teacher Swap Day
Mr. PHS will be held on Friday, Feb. 23, at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium. The beauty pageant-type show is for male students that are nominated by a sport or a club which they participate in. The winner of the show will be named the 2018 Mr. PHS.
For the week of Feb. 19-23, Pattonville students and teachers were asked to dress up.
Tuesday was Meme Day and many students did not participate because they said it was late notice and they did not know what to do. Others were able to find creative ways to participate.
“I dressed up as the salt guy for Meme Day,” Will Basta said. “It was very easy for me to put the outfit together because I had all the clothes and sunglasses at home.
He talked to his friend Nathan Mashburn who dressed up at the salt guy with him.
“It was my idea,” Basta said. “Although a bunch of my friends didn’t participate in today’s spirit week day, it was still pretty fun.”