Full circle learning with April Burton at #METC19
February 13, 2019
The Instructional Technology Content Leader for the Francis Howell School District is a Google Certified Trainer and a self-proclaimed tech enthusiast. On Tuesday, she was a presenter at METC talking to attendees about Full Circle Learning with 360°.
April Burton was helping teachers during her 10 a.m. session use full circle learning with Google’s new tools.
Tools like Google Earth, Google Expedition, Google Cultural Institute, YouTube Daily: 360, Discovery VR, and 360 Parks were all parts of her presentation.
Students in history classes would benefit from this way of teaching the most because when they are getting taught about historic places, they can experience what it looks like today through VR or even in a 360-degree view.
The METC Conference is being held in St. Charles, Missouri, Feb. 11-13 and more than 1,400 teachers are gathered to get new ideas to make the classroom more fun and interactive for the learners. Teachers and educators from all around Missouri will be gathered at the convention as a collective group to hopefully obtain some new ideas.