Debate Hosts Virtual Spirit Week on Instagram
Head Coach Ms. Raymond gets creative for Bad Hair Day.
April 17, 2020
During the week of April 6, Pattonville’s Debate Team hosted a “Virtual Spirit Week” to help generate connectedness and positivity.
Head Coach Ms. Jennifer Raymond explained, “The Pattonville Debate Executive Board decided to do Virtual Spirit Week to boost morale and give students and staff a way to feel connected even though we’re at home.” The Executive Board is juniors Bell Tucci, Jailah Broadway, Mya Harris, Eden Magaña López, Tajh Martin, and Anna de Garcia.
Monday was Pajama Day, Tuesday was Bad Hair Day, Wednesday was Show Off Your Pet Day, Thursday was Thank Health Care Workers Day, and Friday was Pattonville Pride Day.
Students and teachers posted pictures of themselves on the various days to help build a sense of community and unite us during a difficult time. They used #PattonvilleVirtualSpiritWeek on Instagram for the project. Be sure to check it out HERE. Special thanks to Head Coach Ms. Raymond for sharing the link.