PHS Senior Hosts an at Home Prom With Best Friends

Mackenzie Rosenthal

Juniors Mackenzie Rosenthal and Ty Procter pose in front of their limo for their alternate prom.

Mackenzie Rosenthal, News/Features Editor

Schools all around the world are either not having prom this year, or making adjustments to make sure everyone is safe.

Pattonville High School made the decision to have a senior-only prom. This means no juniors or any underclassmen could attend this year due to COVID guidelines and for the safety of everyone.

Some students have decided to make the best out of the situation and have their own prom.

Senior Kalista Roades decided to host her own prom with her four best friends in her basement instead of going to the prom that the school is having.

“I’m spending prom with my closest friends because we’ll all be vaccinated by then and it’s more fun and safe that way.”

Roades explained the differences between their prom and what you would have at a “normal” prom.

“We’ll still take pictures at a park, get dressed up, and dance. We’ll have pizza instead of the usual prom food, and we made our own shared playlist in Spotify instead of the DJ,” she said.

“Honestly, I like this plan a lot better. We get actually good food, music that we actually like and we don’t have to deal with the insanely loud and crowded gym since it’s just the five of us,” Roades said.  “I’m not disappointed at all in not getting a ‘real’ prom.”

Junior Ruth McCaron who attended the at home prom explains her feelings on not being able to go to prom this year.

“I am sad that we are missing out on the traditional prom because it’s something everyone imagines during high school,” she said. “However, I wasn’t even sure if I was going to go to the prom this year because it is so expensive.”

Although the group of friends is having their own prom, it’s still not exactly the same as what a prom typically looks like.

McCaron says that “my friends and I are doing the prom outside and we are limited on what we can do because of Covid.”

They are many different perspectives and opinions on what students think about the school only allowing seniors to attend the prom this year.

According to McCaron, “I am fine with the school not allowing Juniors. I was actually someone who was saying they should just have it only for Seniors because only a limited number of people would be able to go and the Seniors have had very little this year and Juniors get next year, so we should let Seniors have their prom.”

Even though prom may look different, there are still benefits to having an at-home prom.

“Some benefits are that I can dress however I want without worrying about people I barely know judging it, being with people I am comfortable with, being able to eat whatever I want, it not being nearly as expensive, and being able to do other activities,” McCaron said.

The juniors may not have gotten a prom this year in 2021, but there are high hopes that the class will get their prom senior year in 2022.