Water Polo Keeps on Swimming
Launching the ball in to the goal, Ethan Gray (12) is about to score. Gray has been on the team for four years and has found what works for him. “My favorite is the back hand goal or a move where I pop the ball up then hit it in the air. It helps me score, which is something I love to do.” Gray has found the right move to help not only himself but his team find their way to victory.
May 17, 2021
The water polo team had a hard year because the team is significantly smaller than in the past year. The pandemic changed the way students see sports, and the practices have been cut to shorter times and have had to make changes to accommodate to regulations.
Amongst the chaos, the team did not given up hope for their season. The team found ways to maximize practice so that when it came time for them to have meets they would be prepared. Because of this the team has had two players score a majority of the goals this season.
The team has been playing against difficult schools who may have more time to practice but this does not stop them. Ethan Grey (12) scored a total of 30 goals with 4 assists for a total of 64 points. He plans on attending McKendree University to continue his water polo career. Daniel Mamrenko (11) had 23 goals with 6 assists and 54 points.
The year has been challenging to say the least, but the determination of this team to try and make it good has been inspiring. They continue to put forth their full effort at meets and just try and enjoy their final year on the team.