Stepping Up to Help Others: Pirates Donate at NHS’s Blood Drive

Hayden Gust

Senior Lauren Keller donates blood to American Red Cross during the time of a national shortage. The blood drive was sponsored by NHS.

Peyton Gregory and Hayden Gust, Social Media Editor/Staff Writer

On October 29, 2021, National Honor Society sponsored its annual blood drive. In conjunction with the Red Cross, the organization worked to help combat the dwindling blood supply.

For students, it was a chance to give to their communities. Senior Lauren Keller recognizes that some have a fear of needles. But, she still chose to give. “I feel like it’s something, even if you’re scared, it’s still a good thing to do. It’s giving back to people. It makes an impact.”

NHS member Sofia Boughton, a senior, helped staff the drive. She helped maintain the schedule for walk-ins. Boughton explained that the donations helped patients “in need of surgery, cancer treatment,” and other needs. She said, “I decided to [help] because not only is it interesting to see the process of how the blood is taken, but in general I just like helping others, and the blood drive was a way to do so.”

While eligible staff and students attempted to do what they could for the community, the American Red Cross workers reported that the donation numbers were down from previous years.

Despite the decreased donations, students did their best for a cause they believed in. “I feel like this is a good thing, giving blood, and it feels like a good thing to do,” Lauren Keller said.