Getting Back to Normal: Band Performs “Fall Band Spectacular Concert”
Jazz Ensemble opens the concert on October 26. The concert included all four bands and was the first in-person event since before the pandemic.
November 12, 2021
On October 26, Pattonville High School’s Band performed for a live audience in their first in-person performance since February 2020, titled “Fall Band Spectacular Concert.”
The night was packed with music and each or our four bands performed. Ms. White, one of the assistant directors for band, said that all of the directors worked as a team to choose pieces that fit the ability level of each group, while also encouraging them to stretch their abilities as they prepare the concert selections.
“Going back to in-person concerts this year has been so exciting!” Ms. White said.
“One of the most important parts of being a musician is learning to perform and it has been so nice to see our students grow as musicians, gain time management skills, and learn confidence through preparation for this concert,” White explained.
Ms. Livesay, another one of the assistant directors, said that the students did a really nice job and were well-prepared. “They always do an exceptional job of playing with energy and carrying themselves with poise and finesse like professionals,” she said.
Ms. Livesay thinks that “the Jazz Ensemble students did a great job of learning and performing improvised solos and always look like they are having so much fun while they’re playing. They encouraged each other and cheered each other on throughout the performance as well, which is always cool to see!”
“The concert band students also worked really hard to put together a combined band performance of a selection from Harry Potter with limited rehearsal time and I was really impressed with their progress!” Ms. Livesay added. “Finally, the marching band showed off all of their talent and hard-work from an award-winning season during their performance of ‘Rhythms Unearthed.'”
Nicholas Toler, one of the marching band students, is really excited to be back in person. “The concert last year outdoors was a trainwreck in my eyes so getting back to normal will be fantastic.”
“Virtual last year was quite an experience, an experience I never want to do again but an experience nonetheless,” Nick said. “The virtual band experience taught me to be appreciative of what we’re given by our school for our program. Being in the Pit, we couldn’t bring any of our instruments home because of how big and expensive they are, so we had to use different instruments than what we were used to and it was quite challenging.”
“Also, recording our parts to create a virtual concert was quite the challenge,” Nick said. “So if I learned anything from virtual, it would be to be thankful for what our generous program gives us.”
Ms. Livesay also stated that the band staff learned some valuable lessons during virtual school. “We learned so much about how to incorporate more technology into our curriculum. We use different apps like SmartMusic, BAND, and Canvas to help provide resources for our students in and out of the classroom, as well as facilitate open communication. Creating all of the resources and placing them in a central location has definitely made teaching this year more efficient!”
The concert opened with Jazz Ensemble performing “It’s Oh, So Nice!” by Sammy Nestico and “What Is Hip?” arranged by Mike Tomaro, followed by third Hour Concert Band performed “New Forest March” by Johnnie Vinson and “Pyramid of the Sun” by Michael Story.
Next, Second Hour Concert Band played “Valley Forge March” by Karl King arranged by James Swearingen and “La Madre de los Gatos” by Brian Beck, and third hour Concert then joined second hour on stage to perform together “Harry’s Wondrous World” by John Williams and arranged by Jerry Brubaker.
To end the concert, the Pride of Pattonville Marching Band performed their field show “Rhythms Unearthed” by Ian Grom and John Mapes, followed by two pom tunes entitled “Confident” arranged by Tom Wallace and “Runaway Baby” by Bruno Mars arranged by Paul Murtha.
As a big finish, the marching band students marched into the aisles of the auditorium and ended with the PHS Fight Song and Hey Song.
You can view the live performance on the Pattonville Band Boosters Facebook Page.