Scott Robinson

Scott Robinson is the current AV Network Specialist. He has been working in the Pattonville School District for 25 years.

What made you want to become an AV network specialist?

  • “I got interested in technology in an evolutionary way. I took my first computer class when my High School, Northwest House Springs, got their first computer lab. I studied Fortran programming (a later web design) in college, supervised Electronics Technicians as an Officer in the Navy, and was the go-to “tech guy” in addition to my other duties at my last employer before Pattonville.”


How long have you been working in your position?

  • “My duties/positions have evolved during my time at Pattonville. My current responsibilities center mostly around copiers/printers, audio-visual, and security camera systems exclusively at the High School. Prior to being assigned here I worked as a Hardware Support Specialist servicing all of the instructional technology in the entire district at one point or another.”


What advice would you give to students entering high school, or finishing high school?

  • “I would say to anyone beginning/finishing high school (or any other phase of life for that matter) to enter change with your eyes, ears, and mind open to ALL of the opportunities presented to you.”


What’s the toughest part of working your position at Pattonville?

  • “The toughest part of working in the high school is that moment you find your coffee cup is empty and you are at the farthest point in the building from your Keurig machine.”

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