Mike Cobb-Schuetz
Mike Cobb-Schuetz is a device specialist at PHS.
Why did you choose to go into this profession?
- “Well, I was involved in an extended learning opportunity my senior year of high school, then I did substituting the year after in between my gap year, and then I just kind of fell in the roll. I got hired at Drummond Elementary and I worked there for three years and here I am.”
Have you worked at any other schools, and if so, how long?
- “I was the tech guy over at Drummond, so I made sure all the iPads were functioning. I dealt with remote learning during the pandemic.”
Is there any wisdom that you would want students new to high school to know?
- “Don’t take life too seriously. Make sure that you’re still enjoying it while you’re getting your stuff done, of course. But I used high school as kind of a starting path to figure out what I wanted to do and what I enjoyed doing, what I liked, what I didn’t like, and what I would never touch in my life again. Just make sure you’re not super stressed to the point to where life’s not really worth it.”
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