The Pattonville School District is the number one most diverse school district in Missouri. With 12.3% Hispanic/Latino, many non-English speakers choose to come to Pattionville to receive their education. I feel there should be more help and preparation for students new to the state, district, and school to assist with the transition. Imagine if you were not only in a new environment but also didn’t understand the language and had to adjust to a new school, people, and schedule.
As a bilingual student fluent in Spanish and English who came to Pattonville from a different school in my junior year, it was a very nerve-racking experience for me, and I can understand and speak English fluently. It is my second year here at Pattonville, and one issue that I see is that there is a lack of support being given to EL students at the start school year. This year I have given several tours to many EL students on their first day after they are told several things like, how to get to their bus, how our block schedule works, and the requirements that you need to graduate. However, this is not enough.
I have been told by these students that they thought they would get more assistance after the first day of school. I have often shared my cell phone number with new EL students just in case they need help. A student who started at the high school this year, needed my help the second week of school. They asked to remain anonymous but stated “I did want more help at the beginning. I was very uncomfortable because I don’t know how to speak English. Sometimes I understand but I don’t know how to express myself.” I am positive that if it weren’t for the assistance of other EL students helping one another then these students would be left to figure things out on their own like how to get lunch, where their bus is, or how to find the locker room.
One way that I think the school could welcome the EL students and provide more support is by pairing them with someone who also speaks their language for a period of time so the students will be able to get a feel for the environment, make friends, and not have to adjust to everything new all at once. Pattonville is great place to learn and its diversity is a source of pride. Our EL students make our school community stronger.