Everyone is at least nervous or scared to go to his or her first class as a college student. Imagine having your first “college class” sophomore year in high school.
As a 10th grader at Pattonville High School, students have two options in order to receive history credit. The choices consist of Modern World History or AP Euro.
Sophomore Kennedy Duello is currently taking AP Euro because she has been taking honor classes since 7th grade and AP Euro was just the next honor class in line.
According to Duello, “The pacing makes the class seems more like a college class.”
Being in an AP class comes with a lot of responsibility.
“It’s a fun class but it is very time consuming,” Duello said. “So if you plan on playing a sport, you should make sure you would have enough time to complete the homework every night.”
With this class having a decent amount of requirements and homework assignments, Duello said, “During the week, I don’t have much of a social life, so I looked forward to the weekends.”
Since AP Euro is an Advanced Placement class, the amount of homework is increased. Students taking this course can have an hour to three hours worth of homework every single night, weekends included. The tests include written essays from memory, along with turning in pages of hand-written textbook notes and class notes.
When choosing what classes to take sophomore year, chose carefully. AP Euro is a wonderful class to take, but it isn’t for everyone. Dedication, work ethic, and responsibility will play a major role and impact your grade immensely.