Every other Thursday, the anime club, which has made improvements over the years, meets after school in Mr. Mittler’s room, F102.
Anime is Japanese cartoons, and Manga is Japanese comics.
“Anime group is a club where we all get together and do many things that we enjoy. Sometimes we cosplay (costume play), but we mostly do activities which we weren’t able to do two years ago,” senior Jeremy Fielder said. “Back then, we only watched anime but now we do things like OC (original character) contests where we make our own anime character and try to make our own manga.”
Field said the group also learns stuff about anime and manga culture because they want to learn more about the pop culture of Japan.
Anime Club provides not only educational value, it also provides a friendly and warm atmosphere.
“The people in there are very funny and nice. I like this club because of the people,” said Fielder. “Everybody has a common interest – anime and manga.”
Freshman Star Huddleston said her best memory of being involved in the club is when they did a cosplay contest and she won cosplaying as Issun from Okame.
Another club member recalls a comedic time in the club.
“We were tossing around a stuffed heart one time, asking questions, and one of the guys wasn’t paying attention, and the girl that threw it hit him in the face,” said senior Destiny Battle.
While the club members have a common interest in anime, they each vary in their favorites. Fielder’s favorite is the original classic Pokemon; Battle’s is Code Geass; and Huddleston’s is SGT Frog.
“Some people play card games like Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh, so people that play card games would probably really enjoy it,” said Huddleston.
Between movies, books and card games, there’s more to come for the club next year.

“It’s going to be even bigger next year,” said Battle. “And I wish I could be here to see it.”