Mr. Dennis McFarland has been the band teacher at Pattonville for 21 years and is the marching band director. PattonvilleTODAY reporter Jordon Dahl went out to ask him 5 Questions.
What is the best part of teaching?
“The best part of teaching for me is that no two days are ever the same.”
What is it like to direct the band?
“When you can consider all the things that people could be doing in the world, it’s pretty cool to be in front of a group who is synchronizing in time, harmonizing sounds, expressing emotions, and understanding a unique language all at the same time.”
What is it like selecting a piece to play?
“Selecting a piece is really difficult. There’s so much amazing music to choose from. So many different styles, and so many different genres.”
What’s the feeling like after performing at a concert?
“I’m always proud of the students for the work they put in to prepare for a performance, but also I’m proud of them for being brave enough to get up in front of an audience to give the performance.”
What is your goal for this year?
“Giving high caliber performances is always a goal that we hope to achieve … and also track academic eligibility for all our students,” McFarland said. “Our other goal would be to give the students a positive overall experience in band so that they will want to continue to learn about and play music, and also to pay their love for music forward to future generations.”