To open the musical performance season at Pattonville, the high school choir and orchestra will have a joined concert on Thursday, Oct. 20.
This concert will include every level of choir and orchestra and will take place at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.
The music will be placed in three sections. The first section is folk music, where there will be a crowd interaction piece. The second section is songs by American composers, and the final section is called Conceived in Liberty after a line in the Gettysburg Address.
Choir director Ms. Melynda Lamb is excited with the talent in the choir this year. She said that over a third of the Chamber Choir members qualified for All-State auditions in November, allowing them to have the chance to sing in the Missouri All-State choir.
Since so many of the students advanced in their auditions, the Chamber Choir will be singing the state audition song entitled “Exultate justi in Domino.”
“This is the first of my entire career where I feel like every single class is prepared enough to sing to their best ability,” Lamb said. “I am usually frazzled a few days before the concert worrying about a few of my classes, This year my classes are rocking it.”
This year, an all-boys choir is making a return to the stage after Pattonville not having such a group since 2008. The boys will be doing a few combined choir pieces and a boys choir interactive piece with a song entitled “Cindy.”