The time has come again for students who are interested in helping with 5th grade camp by being a camp counselor to pick up an application.
During the last few weeks of April, the 5th grade classes from Pattonville elementary schools will travel to Lesterville, Missouri, for three days of camping. High school students who qualify will help lead the campers in their everyday activities.
Students can pick up an application in the Community Service Office. Forms are due by Jan. 27.
CSO Office administrative assistant Ms. Kim Fleig said she looks for certain things when considering if a student would be a good fit for the job.
“Someone who likes children, and is responsible, and someone who is patient, and has a lot of energy would be a good fit,” Fleig said.
The application must be completed with details about the student’s grades and qualifications before being turned into their principal by Jan. 27.
By volunteering to be a camp counselor, students also have the chance to earn community service hours in order to graduate.
“Students can get community service hours,” Fleig said. “And if you’re in A+ tutoring, you could get 25 tutoring hours.”
Applications for 5th grade camp counselors are now available in the CSO Office, room E200.