For most classes, the main activity is normally taking notes. Incorporating different activities into the class benefits students in many ways. Students get to be more engaged and involved with the class and the lesson itself.
This past week, Mr. Ryan Brueckmann’s AP Government class participated in a modified version of the parliamentary procedures as one of their class activities. The students were divided into two parties where they all were senators. They debated and voted on several issues trying to pass legislative bills.

One of the topics discussed was whether or not convicts should have the rights to vote. The floor was open for questions from the opposing side after a senator proposed the legislation. Some were supportive of the bill, some weren’t. Senior Jordan Bolton ran the mock congress meeting. The majority in the class were the Democrats, senior Keturah Gadson was one of them.
“I was in the majority so we got to put down some of the Republicans’ bills because there were more of us so that was fun getting to pass what we wanted,” Gadson said. “My favorite part was when we got to question people and it kind of became a debate. Although they don’t necessarily debate like that on the congress floor, it was fun because we got to challenge each other. I think it really helped with our lesson because we learned more by actually writing our bills and then playing the role as the actual senators themselves.”