High school choir teacher Ms. Melynda Lamb has a somewhat of an unusual tradition for seniors. She has them put their handprints on the wall in her room on the last day of her class. This is the 8th year that she has done this.
“I saw that Parkway North did it and I liked the visible form of tradition that they did.”
There have been many ways seniors have done these handprints in the past. One student decided to put his footprint on the wall and another student used glow-in-the-dark paint for their handprint. One special handprint came from a girl that was blind and in between her hand print, she has her name, but what’s special about the name is that it is written in Braille.
“If a former student that I had before I started doing the handprints comes back to visit, I will allow them to put their hands on the wall.”