Pirate Code Staff Winner of the Week is Ms. Lei Anne Parish
April 11, 2018

As another week comes around, another Pirate Code Staff Winner is chosen. For the week of April 9-13, Ms. Lei Anne Parish, a high school SSD teacher, was picked as the Pirate Code Staff winner of the week.
“I feel very honored and proud to be picked as the staff winner,” Parish said.
She gave the winning Pirate Code ticket to senior Sean McDonald who helped a student by fixing a confliction in the classroom.
“Sean helped another student and deescalated a situation,” she said. “He is a very respectful and helpful student.”
Every week, a different Pirate Code Staff Member of the Week will be selected from Pirate Code tickets that students have turned in.
Remember the Pirate Code: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Involved.