Emily Harris is a librarian at Pattonville High School. She gives her opinion about the laptops coming this year, advice for new readers, and shares her opinion about teachers who impacted her.
Q1: How will the laptops change how the library functions?
Harris: “Well my big question is how is the printing going to go? I’m also hoping the personal laptops won’t change how students use our own resources.”
Q2: How do you suggest getting teens more interested in reading?
Harris: “We’ve had incentives like the reading log over the summer for a free homecoming ticket. I’d also like to see kids do short book reviews in the Pirate Press to get other students interested.”
Q3: What book would you recommend for a teenager to read?
Harris: “Dystopian novels like The Hunger Games. They are good stories and full of action. They make you think, and help us appreciate what we have. Also any Jane Austen books.”
Q4: What’s your opinion on Nooks and Kindles vs. real books?
Harris: “I got a Kindle for Christmas, it’s very convenient. I like the format, and I can hold it with one hand. It’s so handy to have when I’m out and about. But I still like my books.”
Q5: How do you feel about books being made into movies?
Harris: “I think it’s always interesting to see and compare. I recommend reading the book first before the movie. Sometimes I get disappointed when movies don’t follow the book. It’s also fun to see if the movie is how you imagined it would be while reading.”
Q6: When you were in school, were there any teachers who really impacted you?
Harris: “I would have to say Mrs. Brown, my 5th grade teacher. Excellent teacher, was strict, but really gave you the tools you needed for future schooling. Also Mrs. Skaggs, she gave us 7th graders a wonderful intro to literature. Really got me interested in reading classic literature and writing poetry.”