As students progress in their high school education, the game and the classes become more intense. Harder practices, trainings and games; harder classes, concepts and homework. Jessi Zehner is a senior on varsity volleyball and is also taking some challenging classes. The haunting question is ‘How is it possible to give 100 percent in the game and also in the class?’
Q: What honors and/or AP classes are you taking this semester?
A: I’m only taking two, College Credit English and AP Statistics, but they still require a lot of effort and time.
Q: How much homework per night do your honors and/or AP classes give you?
A: Usually it’s about an hour of homework, but I tend to work faster than others.
Q: How do you stay organized in your studies?
A: Whenever I’m given an assignment I make sure I write it down in my planner.
Q: How do you manage the amount of homework your honors and/or AP classes give you while also being on a varsity sport?
A: I have an Ac. Lab, so I do as much homework in there as possible. Also, I work ahead so I never fall behind.
Q: What is a good way to give it your all on the court and your classes?
A: I focus on one thing at a time and make sure I don’t get distracted.. When I’m on the court, my mind is all in the game and when I’m in class, I focus on my studies.