Helping in the Community While Staying Safe

Christian Movick, Staff Writer

During this time of a global pandemic, many are being ordered to social distance themselves from others, which is why staying home is the safest way to do so. However, with the Coronavirus negatively impacting the lives of so many on a daily basis, many are wondering how they can help while at the same time staying safe.
It’s no question that seniors are at high risk to contract this virus, which is why they need help. A network known as “Meals on Wheels” has over 5,000 community programs and primarily provides meals, visits, and safety checks to seniors. People are able to donate to this program to keep seniors safe, or they can become drivers. To become a member one must be 18 years or older, have a driver’s license and auto insurance, be willing to use your own vehicle to deliver meals to seniors, pass a background check, and take time to chat with your client upon arrival.
In addition to Pattonville School District providing meals for students, another great organization is known as “Blessings in a Backpack.” This organization helps feed school children that currently have trouble getting food because they or their families don’t have the money to purchase any. They are also partnering with school districts that have summer feeding programs while schools are shut down to maintain and extend their services, and people are of course able to donate to this organization.
It is understandable that some may not be able to donate, and there are ways to help out in your community without doing so. One way you can help seniors that you know is to reach out and check in on them. Also, consider offering to help get their groceries for them and deliver them; that way they don’t have to go out of their homes and be at high risk for contracting the virus.
With America facing this catastrophic event, there are still things that can be done to help the people in your community. By donating to an organization or helping people in your area with simple tasks such as getting their groceries for them, it really helps out the community. America has never faced a crisis that they haven’t been able to get back up from, and we will beat this, together.