An ordinary Modern World History class changed when Pattonville’s Moodle unexpectedly crashed, presumably due to the large quantity of students attempting to access it at one time. This error resulted in a derailment from the original lesson that was to be taught to students in History class.
Only one month has passed, and it is evident that iLearn is off to a rough start, as Moodle malfunctions at the worst possible time and students find ways to goof off. The risks of iLearn have been evident since the program started, and some students who do not have Wi-Fi at home are forced to go up to the library after school for homework, dealing a huge blow to the amount of after-school free time they get which is limited if they have after-school activities such as sports or clubs.
This technology is meant to be the future, yet it seems just like the past: laptops having Internet difficulties and students playing all sorts of games instead of doing classwork.
iLearn has done nothing to fix the problems had with school laptops before, it is merely making them worse, and if no changes are made, it will continue to do so with each new class of students that arrive at Pattonville every year.