Communication and Chemistry Key for Soccer

Noeal Arefaine fights a Duchesne player for the ball in the game on September 7. The Pirates went on to win, 2-0.

Ava Bearskin, Editor-in-Chief

Pattonville’s varsity soccer team is starting out the season with a 3-6 record with nine games left in the season. The team is hoping to have fun and learn as much as they can.
Captain Devin Holtzclaw, senior, has played soccer since he was five. He hopes to finish out his senior season with “my teammates seeing me as someone they can take advice from whenever. At any time of the day, I’m willing to help them improve themselves on and off the field.”
Holtzclaw believes that his team has good chemistry on and off the field, which he says is crucial for success. The captain wants to have fun his last season and end on a high note. “I’ve gained so much knowledge of the game these last 4 years. Looking up to the past captains and remembering how they used to lead the team turned me from a quiet kid on the field to the loudest one always talking,” Holtzclaw said. He is co-captaining this season with Carlos Llamas and Kyle Kaemmerer.
Joe Vasquez, senior, feels that the soccer team is a community that he enjoys being a part of. He hopes that his teammates see him as a good teammate and role model as well as someone they can feel comfortable around.
Personally, Vasquez feels he has gained “bonds with people I’ve grown up with and also the younger classmen and am able to learn how they learn and grow with them and teach them things that I know having played longer.” He also feels he has more physical strength.
Like Holtzclaw, Vasquez wants to finish out strong his senior year. “[Our goal] is trying to build our team, binge able to communicate and growing together as a team as the season goes on. I want to be able to communicate and overall have the game come together,” Vasquez said.