JV Boys’ Basketball has a Trivial Comeback Against St. Charles


Elise Banks

Pattonville overwhelmingly wins a game against Lutheran North, 63-33, in their first game of the season.

Christian Movick, Multimedia Editor

JV boys basketball began the season off with a triumphant start, and finished with a winning streak of 21-5. Between the team’s comradery to their winning streak going undefeated, they felt very confident and passionate about how the season went.

Coach Kent Booth talked about the takeaways of the season, saying that the primary takeaway was the level of effort the players put in.

“It’s a balance of trying… to manage the goals of our team vs their individual goals, cause a lot of those guys want to play on varsity, and rightfully so, but there’s a process that they have to go through… so their level of effort and understanding is probably the biggest take away,” Booth said.

Coach Booth emphasized the importance of the trust between a coach and player.

“That relationship is built on trust. If the guys don’t trust me to give them the right information, then things can get a little bit out of whack,” Booth said. “We talk about our four pillars: effort, communication, play hard, play smart. So we have to trust one another, that if we don’t do anything else, we have to do those things.”

Going into the St. Charles game, the team was prepared for a battle. After being down for much of the game, they came back, and ended up winning 64-52.

Booth said that the game Pattonville played against St. Charles is one of the best games they have played this season.

“[It] was the first time we were down in the game and the guys battled back and we wound up winning,” Booth said.

Junior and captain Adrian Hughes said that “we played as a team, as a unit, and we kept that the entire game and just pushed through.”

Junior and captain Nick Rice said that while they were losing by about 9-0, they didn’t give up.

“We started pressing, targeting their defense, cause some turnovers and we just kept that intensity the whole game,” he said.

The team’s emphasis on working hard reflected in their scores, as the team ended the season with a winning streak of 21-5.