Thespian Banquet

Abigail Evers

14 thespians graduate together, but will forever be bonded through their time spent and memories together.

Abigail Evers, Copy Editor

On April 24, the thespians held their annual banquet to reflect on the year of performances and events, induct new thespians and thespian officers, announce the schedule and shows for the next year, and say goodbye to the seniors.
13 thespians were inducted at the banquet, creating a total of 34 thespians. Although 14 are graduating, current thespian president and senior Sarah Nelson is thrilled to grow the troupe.
“Especially after coming out of covid, I really wanted to recruit more thespians and promote more theatre involvement,” Nelson said. “I’m very proud of how much our troupe has grown in the last two years.”
To become a Thespian, it is required to accumulate a certain number of points, collected through participating in shows or watching them live.
“The best thing about being a thespian is the bonding moments in our troupe,” Nelson said. “I love going to see shows together, having movie nights, and going to the Missouri State Thespian Conference. I love taking the friendships that we’ve established in the school shows and growing even closer as a troupe.”
The troupe attends the Missouri State Thespian Conference every year in Kansas City in early January, participating in classes and competitions with thespians across Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri.
Thespian and senior Jasmine Harris said, “The highlight of my year was ThesCon because of the wonderful plays and musicals that were done, the amazing people I got to meet, and the closer connections I made with my fellow Thespians. It is an amazing experience and you learn so much from others and make great connections while you are there.”
At the banquet, Sarah Nelson took off her president’s sash and gave it to the elected 2023-2024 Thespian President, sophomore Addison Gutschenritter.
“I wanted to become president to become closer with my theater friends, and to continue to create a loving and welcoming environment for new and returning thespians,” Gutschenritter said. “The environment has been such a wonderful experience for me, and I know how hard it is to be in a new place, and what it’s like to feel alone. I don’t want anyone else to feel like that and I want to make thespians, and as a result, theater, as wonderful an environment as I can, and being president, I have a little more say in events and such.”
As the night came to a close, the 22-23 theater season did too, leaving friends with bittersweet feelings.
“I’m definitely going to miss the kindness they have shown,” Gutschenritter said. “My senior friends were some of the first people I met when I entered high school, and they took me under their wing and made me feel at home.”
Even as the seniors take their leave, they’re still grateful for the times they’ve had and the memories they’ve made.
“What I would say to fellow Thespians or people in theatre, in general, is that getting out of your comfort zone is the best feeling ever,” Harris said. “I was always a shy person so getting on that stage was very much out of my comfort zone, but now I feel like a new person and I have met so many wonderful people as well. That is probably the best decision I have ever made.”
Especially to their friends left behind, the seniors wish them well and leave some advice.
“To the underclassmen, please enjoy this time and allow each moment to be an opportunity for something that will ultimately bring you closer to those around you,” Nelson said. “Embrace the unexpected moments and give it your all. You never know what role you’ll get, or who you’ll be working closely with each show, so be open to doing something new even if it’s not what you’d originally envisioned. To the incoming seniors, take the time to grow closer as a senior class and enjoy your last year together. Be the role models for the underclassmen and continue to support and celebrate each other.”