Elephant Bar is a restaurant at the West County Mall, in Des Peres. It’s atmosphere and wide variety of food makes it an interesting experience for those who dine there.
When you enter Elephant Bar, the first thing you may notice is the theme of the restaurant. What catches most people’s eye is the zebra and giraffe print on the walls, and the tiger print on the floor and seats. It gives an outback feeling and is enjoyable for most people.
As soon as you are seated and take time to look through the menu, you will realize that Elephant Bar has more than just burgers, steaks, and fries. They serve types of food from all around the world, such as Japanese, Italian, American, and so on.
Another thing you may notice when you first walk in Elephant Bar is how crowded it is. Making reservations would be best if waiting isn’t an option. Due to the packed restaurant, it is also loud. Depending on where you are seated, like next to the grill, talking to the person across from you might be difficult.