Jones prepares for finals and gives advice to freshmen

Isabella Monahan, Staff writer

Titalia Long (12) studies for her Probability and Statistics test in Ms. Mandy Gossett’s 4th hour class.

As this semester comes to an end, students know in the back of their heads finals are quickly approaching. Finals have always been something that everyone must prepare for in order to succeed and do well at the end of the semester.

Junior Chad Jones isn’t nervous at all for finals however.

“I’m not really nervous for finals because I have all high grades and most of my classes are pretty easy.”

Studying for finals for freshmen and upperclassmen are vastly different.

“My freshman year, I was up all night studying and memorizing things,” Jones said. “But now, I just get enough sleep for finals. It’s all about the sleep.”

Some advice he has for freshmen who are taking finals for the first time is to do good before it comes down to finals.

“Turn all of your work in, study for unit tests, and enjoy watching everyone else being stressed out trying to pass when you already did all the hard stuff.”

Finals are going to be here before students know it. On Friday, Dec. 15, students will be taking their test for their second hour classes.

  • Friday, Dec. 15 – 2nd hour final (2:13 dismissal)
  • Monday, Dec. 18 – 1st and 3rd hour (10:30 dismissal)
  • Tuesday, Dec. 19 -4th and 5th hour (10:30 dismissal)
  • Wednesday, Dec. 20 – 6th and 7th hour final (10:30 dismissal)