It’s the day most teenagers have been waiting for since they were little. It’s finally the day of prom. The only problem is that it’s 6:30 in the morning and you have to get ready to go to school first.
Not really what you were planning on doing, was it?
Pattonville High School’s prom is on Friday, May 6. It’s a little later than most schools but it gives students more time to plan. But it’s really stressful to have to plan everything around the school schedule.
Yes, we do get out at 12:38 p.m., but I don’t really believe that students want to worry about tests and homework the same day they have to worry about hair and makeup and if they’re going to make it to pictures on time.
Boys, I don’t really think it could be that hard to get ready considering the only thing that matters is if your tux and hair look good, but for the girls, many had to schedule hair and makeup appointments early so they have to leave school, which creates another problem.
Another issue I see is that the school is making students who are attending the prom to come to school to get their ticket, which will be handed out at lunches. I find this troublesome because I now have to come to school for one class, leave to get my hair and makeup done because that’s the only time I could get an appointment, and then come back to get my prom tickets, as if the day isn’t stressful enough already.
Students also have to worry about rush hour traffic. Many students take pictures at Forest Park, which isn’t that easy to get to at 5 o’clock on a Friday. For those who have later hair and makeup appointments, they have to take into account they would still have to go home and get dressed, and then have to be out at Forest Park by 5 p.m. which is nearly impossible. Students want to have time to take nice pictures with all of their friends and not have to stress out about if they’re going to be late or not.
Now, there is probably some decent reason that we have prom on a Friday rather than a Saturday, but maybe in the future years there could be a way of somehow scheduling it on a Saturday. It would be so much more convenient for students to schedule appointments on a Saturday rather than a Friday and they wouldn’t have to worry about rush hour. There also could maybe be a better way to distribute tickets so that it’s not as much of a hassle for girls. For example, they could be distributed on the day before prom.
Prom is always an exciting event for the individual and I am very excited to dance and take pictures with all of my friends while looking nice for a change, but I know many people don’t want to be forced to go to school on the same day as prom.