High school Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on Wednesday and Thursday night

Mailin White, Writer

Geometry teacher Mr. Greg Adam

You can try to explain those grades your mom and dad see on PowerSchool or you can have your teacher do it for you instead.

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held at the high school on March 6-7.

Geometry teacher Mr. Greg Adam said he enjoys getting the chance to talk to students and parents about his classes.

“I like Parent/Teacher Conferences because you get to actually sit down face-to-face and meet the parents,” he said.

Appointments are not needed for the voluntary event that will be held Wednesday, March 7, from 4:30 to 8 p.m., and Thursday, March 8, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the high school.

“I don’t think it should be mandatory unless the teacher or parent requested it.”

Sophomore Arthur Rowold recommends that students attend Parent/Teacher Conferences as well.

“I feel like it would be a good idea for kids to go too so they could actually hear what the teachers are saying and reflect on it,” he said.

Rowold also said there might be an advantage in attending.

“At the same time, I feel like with kids that don’t go that maybe the teachers would say something different that they wouldn’t say to the kid’s face.”

Some teachers have been offering students an incentive if they go to Parent/Teacher Conferences, but don’t be fooled: There is no school for the high school on Friday, March 9, following conferences (no matter if you attend or not).