PHS Finalist Qualifies for the National Speech & Debate Association National Tournament

Mackenzie Rosenthal, Staff Writer

Junior Mya Harris qualifies for National Tournament (photo courtesy of Ms. Raymond)
Junior Isabella Tucci was named an Academic All American in the National Speech and Debate Association Honor Society. (photo courtesy of Ms. Raymond)

While Speech & Debate is not able to have its usual National Tournament, instead Mya Harris will participate in the first Virtual National Speech & Debate Association National Tournament.
According to Mya Harris, she feels good about getting ready. “As far as preparation goes I am just making some minor modifications to my informative speech and perfecting my visual aids. Luckily, the event I qualified for only requires me to record myself delivering my ten minute speech, so preparation is not insanely difficult.”
Finding out one is a finalist for a national competition can be very exciting. Harris remarks, “I was very excited when I found out!” This is her second time qualifying for the national competition and she is “so grateful to have the opportunity to return to compete this year!”
When going to compete, there is often one thing in particular that sparks the most excitement. Harris says, “The thing I enjoyed the most about nationals last year was being able to travel to Dallas with my teammates and head coach Ms. Raymond, and meeting so many talented debaters from across the nation.”
But this year, that is unfortunately not possible because of the virus so Harris says, “However, seeing as to how this year competition has been translated to a virtual platform, the travel dynamic has been eliminated. So I think this year I am just looking forward to seeing exactly how this virtual competition will materialize, and most importantly honing my craft!”
Also, this semester Junior Isabella Tucci was named an Academic All American in the National Speech & Debate Association Honor Society.
Congratulations to both students.