High School Unites to Honor the Veterans

Talisa Prabhu, Staff Writer

To show our appreciation for the veterans and first responders Pattonville High School hosts a breakfast to honor those special individuals. On Thursday, November 11, students and staff joined together to welcome and honor the veterans.

The Veteran’s Day Breakfast is a tradition at the school. Ms. Debbie Jansen, Administrative Assistant to Ms. Ashford, is the lead planner. Ms. Favazza and her Culinary class plan the breakfast and Rho Kappa makes a video presentation and greets the veterans when they arrive. Student Council also greets the guests in addition to making Thank You cards, decorating and visiting with the veterans during the breakfast.

Many preparations needed to be made in order for the event to happen. In addition to Student Council’s work, invitations needed to be made and sent to local veterans and first responders.

The breakfast is an all-school collaborative event to honor the people who put their lives on the line for the country.

Laura Rockwell, a junior, said that her grandmother was in the Navy. She said, “I wanted to be a part of it (the breakfast celebration) because my grandma is very important to me and I wanted to celebrate her service.”

Ms. Foust, a STUCO sponsor who helps with the breakfast, said, “The veterans of our military services have put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms that we enjoy. They have dedicated their lives to their country and deserve to be recognized for their commitment. For me personally, it is honoring the memory of my Grandpa Conrad who was a proud 44th Infantry Army Veteran. He fought in four of the major battles in World War II, including Battle of the Bulge. By taking the time to honor those Veterans that are with us at the Veterans Day Breakfast, I honor my Grandpa’s memory and service to our country.”

Rockwell adds that you can learn a lot from the veterans. “My grandma always taught me that struggle means a bigger outcome in life and that God gives his hardest battles to the strongest warriors.”

Ms. Foust believes it is important that students are involved in this celebration. She said, “I think it is important for students to hear the stories the Veterans bring with them. It is important for students to listen to the life experiences our veterans have lived through. It is important for students to understand why Veteran’s Day happens and what it means.”

The veterans’ experiences and stories are a way to understand the world a bit better.

Rockwell also believes that it is important for the school and students to celebrate and honor the veterans for their service because, “It shows how much others give for us to succeed, and how far people will go for their country.”