Mr. Adam’s tips to surviving finals


Math teach Mr. Greg Adam provides tips to studying for finals.

Drake Seabaugh, Reporter

According to Mr. Greg Adam, a math teacher at Pattonville High School, there are many ways to prep for finals.

When Adam was a student at Bloomington (Illinois) High School in 1994, he “studied with friends and drank lots of soda” and “every few hours, we’d switch houses to not get bored” in order to get through finals.

Adam’s biggest tip was to not study alone.

“Study with friends so that you guys can push each other to get better”.

Some other pieces of advice are to “think positive, eat a good breakfast and dress nicely”.

Adam has high hopes for his students that will be taking his class final exam.

 “I have optimism that they will do well, but I think a lot will get test anxiety and mess up, but I’ll try to put them in the best environment possible.”

Test anxiety can develop from fear of dissapiontment from parents, family, and friends due to poor grades.

As a last piece of advise, Adam recommends that students study “2 to 3 hours per night so that your brain doesn’t get fried and melt.”


  • Tuesday, December 18 – 2nd Hour final (2:13 p.m. dismissal)
  • Wednesday, December 19 – 1st and 3rd Hour finals (10:30 a.m.)
  • Thursday, December 20 – 4th and 5th Hour finals (10:30 a.m.)
  • Friday, December 21 – 6th and 7th Hour finals (10:30 a.m.)